Broomfield SUN Co-Op Community Gatherings
To meet and inform our Broomfield residents, Sandbox Solar has been hosting community gatherings to explain the “in’s and out’s” of the solar installation process. With many participants in this SUN Co-Op, we thought it would be best to answer all of your questions directly. If you wish to attend a community gathering…
Join us at the Broomfield Community Center on April 26th, 6-7:30 pm.
Sandbox Solar will be giving an overview of the solar installation process, followed by some words from the City of Broomfield Sustainability Department and REC Group. Afterward, we will be available to answer any further questions. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. This will be our last gathering for the Broomfield SUN Co-op before the last $250 REC Solar Panel Rebate contract deadline on May 15th, 2023. The contract deadline for the entire Broomfield SUN Co-Op is June 12th, 2023.
We are excited to meet you!
Unable to come to a community gathering? Head to our YouTube Channel to view the full Solar Installation Presentation, including the Q&A!
The Broomfield Solar United Neighbors Cooperative
Sandbox Solar is honored to have been chosen as the exclusive solar provider for the Broomfield Solar United Neighbors (SUN) Cooperative 2023!
With over 170+ residents participating, the Broomfield SUN Co-Op is an exciting initiative that allows neighbors to band together to receive discount prices on solar installations and EV Chargers. As a result, the SUN Co-Op strengthens and empowers communities to become energy self-sufficient while making solar power affordable for homeowners. Ultimately, promoting energy independence throughout the City of Broomfield, and encouraging communities throughout the Colorado Front Range to utilize renewable energy.
As Northern Colorado’s premiere local solar provider, Sandbox Solar is excited to work with a community that respects and appreciates the efforts of local renewable energy professionals. We take pride in our Northern Colorado roots, ensuring the customer experience is our top priority. Sandbox Solar offers the highest quality product at competitive prices, allowing our customers to be excited throughout their entire solar journey.
Click here to learn more about Solar United Neighbors Co-Op’s

Broomfield Co-Op REC Solar Panel Rebates
To support Sandbox Solar and the deployment of renewable energy, solar panel manufacturer REC Group has provided $500 and $250 in solar rebates for customers who install REC Alpha Pure or REC NPeak solar panels. REC Group produces some of the highest quality solar panels on the market, making them Sandbox Solar’s number-one trusted solar panel manufacturer for residential installations.
View the Broomfield Co-Op REC Solar Panel Rebate

For additional questions, contact Sandbox Solar!