We’re writing with a friendly reminder that the Fort Collins Time-of-Day (TOD) electricity pricing program’s peak hours switched to summer hours on May 1st! Sandbox Solar, your local solar installer in Colorado, is here to help you understand what TOD pricing means and how to save money.
We’re going to let you in on a little secret: you can avoid the extra cost of electricity during the hours of 2 to 7 pm altogether by investing in solar. But first, we will explain how TOD pricing will affect your electric bill. Then we’ll get to how solar can help you save money!
Fort Collins Time-of-Day Pricing
With TOD, you pay for your electricity based on the time of day, day of the week, and the season. There are off-peak and on-peak pricing levels during summer and the rest of the year. Off-peak prices are about 70% less than on-peak prices. You can save money by switching most of your electric use to off-peak times. On-peak hours cost 25.85¢/kWh, whereas off-peak hours will cost you 7.10¢/kWh.
On-peak summer hours are from 2 to 7 pm on weekdays only, from May 1 to September 30. TOD pricing encourages less energy use and allows us to be more efficient with it. Things you should avoid using during peak hours include water heaters, air conditioners, dryers, ovens, space heaters, and microwaves, because they use the most electricity. Find out what it costs to run common household appliances and electronics here. Start thinking ahead and planning your energy use for times when you’ll be paying less. If you need some help, check out our free home energy guide here to learn how to reduce monthly energy payments!
For many homeowners in Fort Collins, TOD pricing has proven to be very expensive. That’s where your local solar installer in Colorado–Sandbox Solar–comes in!
Solar Customers and TOD Pricing
One of the best ways you can avoid the increase in utility costs is by installing a solar system on your home or business. Solar is not affected by Time-of-Day pricing, and your investment provides you with independent and clean energy. This means you won’t have to worry about the added expense of TOD pricing!
Sandbox Solar, your local solar installer in Colorado, will help you through the design, development, and installation of your solar panels. Your solar panels will generate the energy needed to power your home, regardless of the time during which you use your appliances, furnace, and air conditioner. You will be able to draw power from the grid and keep your home cooler by offsetting the cost of your electricity. Plus, any extra energy that your solar system generates will be returned to the grid, and you will receive credits for it. You can see the credit rating system here.
If you’ve noticed an increase in your electricity costs because of Fort Collins’ TOD pricing, let’s chat! Let us help you eliminate your electricity bills by generating your own power. Contact Sandbox Solar, your local solar installer in Colorado, for a free quote or to learn more about how to avoid Time-of-Day pricing costs with solar. We’re available to answer your questions for all of your solar needs!