Native Hill Farms Mobile Agrivoltaics Array This Native Hill Farms solar agrivoltaic array is quite unique! Our local farmers wanted a way to integrate enough solar to power their entire farm but needed to sacrifice precious fertile farming land. That’s where...
Sandbox Solar has an ongoing agrivoltaic research project in partnership with the Colorado State University Research Farm at ARDEC South. Thanks to funding secured from the USDA SBIR grant, Sandbox Solar was able to install 9 separate agrivoltaic arrays. These arrays...
Some buildings are not equipped for traditional rooftop solar installations, but we have a solution for that! This solar carport comprises 108 445W solar panels that generate up to 48kW of energy. Thanks to the experience of our local solar professional here at...
South Fort Collins | 4kW This simple Fort Collins solar roof was an exciting project for Sandbox Solar because we installed this array for a fellow solar advocate and representative for REC Group! Our go-to home solar panels. Our homeowners strive to be as...
Fort Collins Utilities | 50 kW Solar Project Sandbox Solar had the pleasure to partner with Fort Collins Utilities, once again helping the City of Fort Collins become more self-sufficient through solar energy! We designed and constructed a 50 kW, 126 rooftop solar...